This is Gifted

Most human beings are

Most human beings are concerned solely with their own personal lives: looking after their daily needs, starting a family, and planning their leisure time. Of course, from time to time they contribute to society but, in general, their efforts are limited to their own affairs. However, whether they like it or not, they live in a collectivity, and if trouble were to break out in this collectivity, the safety of personal belongings and even lives could be at risk. Focusing on our personal interests, possessions and families is not the best way to protect them, since there is always a danger that unforeseen disasters may sweep everything away. History is full of such examples. Be clear about this: selfishness has never proved a good solution for anyone. The only worthwhile solution is for each of us to think how best we can help to improve the collectivity. If we do this, then everyone will be safe.*