This is Gifted

To be simple is to know

To be simple is to know how to unify our thoughts and desires. As long as you allow free rein to all sorts of contradictory thoughts and desires, your lives will be complicated and disorderly, and you will complain, ‘I feel lost!’ Those who complain that they are lost show that they have desired and accumulated an ill-assorted collection of things, plunging them up to their necks in complications. The reason why diamonds are so precious is that they are unalloyed, pure carbon. Add another element, and it is no longer a diamond. It is the same with disciples: if they wish to taste, touch, know and experiment with everything, they will lose their value – they will no longer be diamonds, just opaque stones. True disciples must aim for a single goal, have one ideal, one desire, and only one food, symbolically speaking. If they do this, they will live in the simplicity of light.*