This is Gifted

To master our feelings

To master our feelings and thoughts, we must begin by watching over our every little gesture in daily life. In this way, we will gradually acquire the psychic control that will then allow us to master more powerful forces. You might say that you do not see the connection. Well, that is exactly the issue: as long as you have not learned to control the smallest details about yourself, you can never hope to control anger, contempt, envy, disgust, the desire for vengeance, and so on. If you were to pay attention to the way you speak, you would soon notice that you are not even able to control your hands – you wave them around, scratch yourself, fiddle with the buttons on your clothes, and so forth. So, begin by learning to keep your hands still. How can you hope to master the powers that are beyond you, if you cannot yet control your tiniest instinctive movements?*