This is Gifted

Whether you are pure

Whether you are pure or impure is not revealed by a gesture or an action, but rather by the intention, the idea, the feeling or desire that lies behind that gesture or action. To be pure is to be able, in whatever you do, to rise within yourself and capture the most subtle, light-imbued elements. If your relationships with people are not inspired by this high ideal, even if you limit yourself to a few caresses and kisses on the pretext of remaining pure, you will still be acting out of impurity, and the effect will be the same as if you had indulged in debauchery. Any contact or exchange that has a self-centred motive, and not a spiritual, divine aim, produces the same impurities. But if your sincere desire is to help, enlighten and sanctify the person you love, then that desire purifies both you and your loved one.